Youth Empowerment Programmes

Youth that is economically empowered are more likely to invest in themselves and their communities, become active business leaders, and represent their business interests. It is now widely accepted that there are many good reasons to promote entrepreneurship among young people. There may also be a direct effect on employment if new young entrepreneurs hire fellow youths. In this way, entrepreneurship could help address some of the sociopsychological problems and delinquency that arise from joblessness. Thus, there is a need to provide the following for the youth;
• Skills training
• Financial support
• Business counseling
• Mentor support
• Access to working space
• Business expansion support, and
• Creating support networks, etc


European Commission


28 Aug 2020


Volunteering, Environment

Sources of Funding

In the framework of the LIFE+ supported project, European Capitals of Biodiversity, thisnbackground document has been prepared by IUCN to support a series of capacity buildingnworkshops for municipal staff in France, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Spain. The successful management of biodiversity often requires external funding sourcesnin addition to local resources. This module outlines some potential fundingnmechanisms for biodiversity-related projects at the sub-national level.

People give money to an institution they know, trust and feel comfortable with. There is often a subjective aspect to funding relationships.nIn allocating funds, donors exercise varying degrees of personal choice.

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